Smoky Fig featured
in Maiden Home

SoHo featured
in Architectural Digest

Past Exhibitions

Los Angeles, CA

The “between” is a hallowed sanctuary that dwells in the interstices—between people, nature, our contemplations, the materials we employ, and the art of execution. The allure of the “between” endures as an ethereal, unspoken force that forces relationships to take their first breath. It is the indescribable adhesive that both unites and separates us. The visions of an idea coalesce, and it is only through the “between” that these fragments join to form a single, harmonious unity—like an artwork.


Momentary Encounters

Seattle, WA

Sparked by a reverence for ephemerality and incidental beauty, the curation of the event focuses on two- and three-dimensional works that embody a special dance with time, movement, space, touch, and chance.

Los Angeles, CA

Greek for "that which is unlimited" features a diverse range of works that express the energy of life and the importance of uninhibited creativity. Using various mediums including paint, film and clay, our artist's vibrant compositions explore the dynamic interplay between the chaos and calmness of ideating with no bounds.
